
Debut Match: Sean vs CJ

#asian #bikini #sleeper #jobber
Sean Chen

Video details

Premium4KLength: 10:23

Sean challenges CJ in his debut match. Both wrestlers are close in size and the match starts off pretty even.
Sean locks a rear naked choke on CJ and puts him to sleep! Instead of finishing the 3-count, the cocky Asian wakes his opponent and flexes over him.
CJ takes the opportunity and punishes Sean with a series of painful holds. CJ finishes the match with an air tight sleeper, completely squeezing the conciousness out of his Asian opponent!

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Published on 2022-03-14



2022-04-08 01:22

good match and looks like you are having different holds in them, Keep it up and I would love to see you and Skeletor in a match that would be interesting, Yes Bill from Vermont


2022-03-14 08:41

Very nice! πŸ€Όβ€β™‚οΈπŸ”₯

Sean Chen

2022-03-15 05:09

(In reply to this)

Thanks! Glad you enjoy it!!

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Debut Match: Sean vs CJ

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