
roleplay video

a maintenance worker is working in the bathroom of my hotel room

I perv on him as he works and then decide to freeze time and check him out by posing him like a mannequin.

I muscle worship his smooth body and play with his huge dick and bouncy ass.
I control his facial expressions and discover he has a long tongue which I play with.

He can't work out why he's hard when I unfreeze him and he decides to take a shower where I continue to freeze him
full video is 11:53mins long
features model AidenBane

Clockstopped Maintenance

#robot #hypnosis #clockstop #time freeze #mannequin

Video details

PremiumFullHDLength: 11:53

roleplay video

a maintenance worker is working in the bathroom of my hotel room

I perv on him as he works and then decide to freeze time and check him out by posing him like a mannequin.

I muscle worship his smooth body and play with his huge dick and bouncy ass.
I control his facial expressions and discover he has a long tongue which I play with.

He can't work out why he's hard when I unfreeze him and he decides to take a shower where I continue to freeze him
full video is 11:53mins long
features model AidenBane

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Published on 2024-06-22


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Clockstopped Maintenance

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