
ChicagoPileDriver VS White Knight

#Bear #Bodybuilder #Squash #Splash #Beef

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PremiumFullHDLength: 17:49

Size matters, but you need more than just that to contend with ChicagoPileDriver! Squaring off with the White Knight, he quickly takes control of the match. Restrained, trapped in draining chokes, painful joint locks and splashes galore, this knight is barely able to get up, much less kneel.

Unable to mount any kind of defense, the Knight is left at CPD's mercy. He's methodically taken apart and can barely manage a token protest as ChicagoPileDriver moves from one hold to the next. Heaving and overpowered, the Knight's burly midsection is softened by a series of splashes & he's put to sleep for a final time. Spread eagle and pinned, ChicagoPileDriver pauses to admire his handiwork from atop his snoring foe.

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Published on 2025-03-10



4 days ago

Mmm beef on beef! Perfect. The sleepers left White Knight twitching.


8 days ago

HOT seeing that BIG man lifeless on the matt!! sleepers rule!!

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ChicagoPileDriver VS White Knight

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