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Denny you look great in those briefs. I love the real wrestling that is so nice. And your long hairy must feel nice when you wrap them around your opponent. I hope to see you in more fight like this and maybe we can talk about a custom matchup too, sometime soon?
2025-02-09 04:03Love seeing Bobi in a lot of vids again!
Wish we could see him hauled over the knee for a spanking, he'd be hot to see over Denny's or David's knee
Dave Squeezemaster
2025-02-09 03:56This is the first time I have seen Denny in a all out match. There are not a lot of real matches on here so congrats to both of you for showing how its done,, But Denny has a body to die for,, and all those strikes with his feet were due to those huge muscled quads of his,,, I think Denny will rule for a long time,, and keep up the rumbling Dave
2025-01-26 17:13Great video. Thanks Denny. Love the green briefs. You have a great sense of fashion when it comes to underwear. David should take a lesson from you. You should take him shopping for underwear and keep him out of the black boxer briefs aisle. LOL! BTW, love David - just riffing on him a bit.
2025-01-26 01:20Denny. How sexy are you and those gorgeous legs. Simply one of the honest guys on the internet
2025-01-26 01:43You are completely right, but I can't resist looking at his arms, chest and shoulders.... Truly mighty.
A true alpha 💪🏾
Killerpain MX
2025-01-25 23:56I love you denny youre so hot i wanna wrestle you even if i know youre going to crush me
2025-02-18 23:14