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On the eve of NYC WrestleFest 2024, Bobby and Lobo crossed paths in a familiar Brooklyn matroom - but what happened in the matroom was anything but familiar - what ensued was a show of force, tenacity, and eroticism that nobody expected
The sweat-soaked battle ratcheted up to a level of sensual intensity that the two wrestlers might not have been ready for, but both fully embraced.
Over the course of 20 minutes, one of these men gets the savage beatdown he never saw coming and the other makes a stunning heel turn. From bearhugs to ball-grabs, headlocks to lip-locks. These two are willing to go there… and take everyone watching along for the ride.
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Obvious that Bobby really controlled Lobo. No messing around here. Total domination. Lobo really got squashed. He looked worried a few times and definitely beaten. Awesome match!
2024-12-26 23:10Awesome match! Looks like Lobo's got a new daddy. Bobby did a great job of dominating sexy Lobo. Total control. Bobby definitely humbled the sexy wolf and made him his puppy. Please have a rematch!
2024-12-14 14:06Great sensual wrestling from two of the best. Great gear, holds, chemistry, eroticism. Nice work.
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2024-12-26 23:22