
Big Blue vs Wrslmsk - Match 1

#pro wrestling #piledriver #sleeper #bearhug #camel clutch
planted pinned
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PremiumFullHDLength: 24:49

Fan favorite Big Blue is back against newcomer Wrslmsk. BB is sporting his usual blue gear while Wrslmsk is goes for classic jobber yellow, but Wrslmsk is no ordinary jobber.

The match starts with Wrslmsk pulling Big Blue in to a tight bearhug. BB has some inches and pounds over Wrslmsk but that doesn't stop the smaller guy from going all in right from the start. Both men take it to the mat with body scissors, a full nelson, and a stretching leg split that has Big Blue wondering what went wrong so fast. A boston crab later and Wrslmsk is on top of Big Blue for a crossbody pin attempt, but BB kicks out after 2. It's going to take a lot more to keep this big boy down.

Big Blue finds himself in control and uses his size, strength, and beefy body to work Wrslmsk in a variety of holds. A tough camel clutch gets Wrslmsk to tap, but BB ignores it and continues the punishment. Another tap follows a leg hold but the beating continues, culminating in a MASSIVE splash as BB crashes down on the sexy Wrslmsk and his yellow briefs, and the match is only just beginning.

There is still 15+ minutes of mayhem as these two experiences guys do their best to twist, choke, squash, and KO each other. A sexy KOD front sleeper leaves one man attempting a bearhug escape, and a tombstone/facesit combo leads us to believe the match is all over (but it isn't).

Check out the toughest competitor Big Blue has faced to date and see who comes out on top at the final bell.

*Thanks to Wrslmsk and WrslCoach for editing this series of videos!

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Published on 2023-07-21
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Big Blue vs Wrslmsk - Match 1

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