
Beast vs The Bodybuilder #3

#pro wrestling #squash #jobber #heel
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These two go at it one more time with the Bodybuilder in hot yellow posers and the Beast in a wicked new mask that seems to have made him nastier than ever. The Beast stays eerily silent during the entire match while he completely dominates the Bodybuilder with power moves and submissions.

The Bodybuilder gets choked, crushed, slammed, and knocked out over and over throughout this squashfest. Beast goes for pins multiple times but refuses to start the count - he just owns his jobber with his big body while he hooks the jobber's leg and crushes his balls in vice grips. The fans get great views of the Bodybuilder's bulge repeatedly as he first gets crushed and then struggles to break free.

Eventually everybody's favorite jobber gets put away for good with a SERIES of piledrivers, including some awesome trunk puller piledrivers. The quiet Beast crushes the Bodybuilder one last time in a long body pin as he stares into the camera through that creepy, evil mask. Bwahahaha.

*Tested a new camera with this match. We got off screen in a couple of short spots but got back on track. I know you boys love my piledrivers. Trust me - the big finish is picture perfect :)

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rasslin bodybuilder

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Published on 2023-06-04
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Beast vs The Bodybuilder #3

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