
Beast vs Roly Poly

#pro wrestling #jobber #heel #camel clutch #scissor
planted pinned

Video details

PremiumHDLength: 23:05

A new contender decides to take on the Beast. Clad in a mask and fantastic blue briefs is Beast's newest victim, Roly Poly. A big smooth 220 lbs of fresh jobber meat.

The goal of this match is to get a 3 count pin, a 5 count pin, and a 10 count pin with lots of fun submissions in between. The new loser hangs in for 20+ minutes of damage and even manages to get the upper hand at one point, but it doesn't last too long.

Keep an eye out for a few big body splashes, a classic camel clutch, a facesit smother knockout, a few scissors, a ridiculously sexy KOD sleeper, and a whole lot more. This jobber moans and groans in submission holds and cries out when he's hit with the Beast's beefy power moves. The Beast is having a blast and you can hear it with all the trash talk.

Check it out.


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Published on 2022-12-05


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Beast vs Roly Poly

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