
Beast vs JD - Match 1 Part 1

#pro wrestling #facesit #sleeper #bearhug #squash
planted pinned
Bundle 2 31:17
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PremiumFullHDLength: 16:01


*This video was split into Parts 1 and 2 due to its file size. This description covers both parts. Entire match (both parts) approximately 30 minutes!

A new face appears on the scene and decides to try his luck against the Beast. The mop-topped JD was texting some serious trash talk before the match. Now it's time to see if he can back it up.

Beast starts off taking immediate control by kneeing the newbie in his soft gut. A headlock follows, and strong head scissors drag JD down to the mat. Despite his size, Beast effortlessly shuffles his body to dominate JD in a boston crab and a camel clutch. JD's moans are music to Beast's ears. When the jobber is nice and tired he gets rolled onto his back. His arms are locked above his head as Beast crushes his upper body and face with a long, heavy crotch pin. JD tries to use his legs to flip the Beast but fails miserably and ends up folded in half, still smothered underneath the bigger man, his nose crammed into the Beast's crotch.

Not too many know this jobber used to be a dancer. When Beast finds out, he plans to see just how flexible the JD really is. JD gets cranked, twisted, split and spladled. He does prove ridiculously flexible and masters the art of absorbing pain. He also proves to be an excellent seat for the Beast's massive ass as more face sits and crotch pins carry the match.

JD's got a meaty pair of pecs and Beast starts clawing and squeezing them whenever he gets the chance once it becomes obvious that pec work revs the JD's engine big time. Multiple sleeper variations (classic, dragon, cobra clutch), wedgies, pins, and power moves (piledriver, ddt, body splash, and more) eventually leave the jobber nothing but a squished pile of goo. JD has got a lot to learn, but surviving a squash by the beast is a good start.

Enjoy the big finish and the sexy finale as the screen fades to black.

Wanna save a few bucks? Get the combo.

Beast vs JD - Match 1 Part 1
Beast vs JD - Match 2 Part 2


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Published on 2023-07-19
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