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Competitive Submission Match w/ PainAngel

What happens when two wrestlers, known for how they destroy their opponents, meet on the mats? You get a sweaty, battle for dominance!

PainAngel has probably been one of my most recommended matches from other local NYC wrestlers. We have a similar record amongst our mutuals. He's another dominating force in our scene. I just knew I had to take this guy on.

So cut to my apartment, mats laid out, us in singlets. It's go time. This high energy match is a fight for the first to 5 submissions. No stakes this time, but a nice setup for the rematch!

Battle for Dominance w/ PainAngel

#Submission #Competitive #Crotch2Face #Chokes #Sweaty

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Premium4KLength: 29:38

Competitive Submission Match w/ PainAngel

What happens when two wrestlers, known for how they destroy their opponents, meet on the mats? You get a sweaty, battle for dominance!

PainAngel has probably been one of my most recommended matches from other local NYC wrestlers. We have a similar record amongst our mutuals. He's another dominating force in our scene. I just knew I had to take this guy on.

So cut to my apartment, mats laid out, us in singlets. It's go time. This high energy match is a fight for the first to 5 submissions. No stakes this time, but a nice setup for the rematch!

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Published on 2023-12-05

1 Comment


2024-04-05 09:45

Great match. One of your best!!

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Battle for Dominance w/ PainAngel

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