Are you ready for me?‼️‼️‼️

Posted on 2024-10-26
This content is made available for free by SuperLuk.

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2024-10-28 21:38

Lex Luthor is ready for you - he is the only villain who can likely destroy you.

Want to see you and the villain both on the screen.

More kryptonite weapons. A gun firing kryptonite needles which the villain uses to weaken Superman before Supes knocks the gun away. The villain fights Superman to try to get the gun back so he can finish off Supes.

The large square piece of kryptonite is "funky". it'd look better if it was a fist sized piece of K on a chain.

You look incredible in the photo. You should set up a gallery on the home page with phots of you in the suit.


2024-10-29 14:01

(In reply to this)

I Want to see a villian defeat you and take off your suit and put it on ! 😈❤️❤️🔥


2024-10-28 09:38

I would love to see you with a weak villain, who suddenly drink a potion that gives him (for some time) super strength, and you both wrestle. He is about yo destroy you when the potion starts to fade... In the end you win ;)