
Daddy Texas thinks he's invincible, even is in a ring with Dr. Maniacal and Damion Bear Zuko. Even outnumbered, Daddy Texas begins by trash talking until he is unceremoniously deposited in the corner by the ring veteran Dr. Maniacal. Blows to the chest from both the mad Dr. and Damion leave Daddy feeling the pain. His spirit, however, is not diminished as he continues to put forth a brave face during the onslaught.

Picked up and dropped several times by both Maniacal and Damion, Daddy Texas finds he no longer has the breath to trash talk as he is too busy breathing heaving and moaning in pain. Bodyslams to the mat, nipple twists, double corner splashes all leave Daddy Texas barely able to stand and certainly unable to mount any type of defense against his duo of attackers.

Stripped of his square-cut trunks to just a blue thong, Daddy Texas is subjected to the humiliation of a spanking, giant splashes on the mat, and more from Dr. Maniacal, and Zuko

Going forward, Daddy Texas should watch what he says in his matches, especially when outnumbered!

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 19 minutes, 43 seconds

2-on-1 Splashdown - Daddy Texas vs. Damion Bear Zuko ﹠ Dr. Maniacal

#2on1 #twoonone #beatdown

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 19:31

Daddy Texas thinks he's invincible, even is in a ring with Dr. Maniacal and Damion Bear Zuko. Even outnumbered, Daddy Texas begins by trash talking until he is unceremoniously deposited in the corner by the ring veteran Dr. Maniacal. Blows to the chest from both the mad Dr. and Damion leave Daddy feeling the pain. His spirit, however, is not diminished as he continues to put forth a brave face during the onslaught.

Picked up and dropped several times by both Maniacal and Damion, Daddy Texas finds he no longer has the breath to trash talk as he is too busy breathing heaving and moaning in pain. Bodyslams to the mat, nipple twists, double corner splashes all leave Daddy Texas barely able to stand and certainly unable to mount any type of defense against his duo of attackers.

Stripped of his square-cut trunks to just a blue thong, Daddy Texas is subjected to the humiliation of a spanking, giant splashes on the mat, and more from Dr. Maniacal, and Zuko

Going forward, Daddy Texas should watch what he says in his matches, especially when outnumbered!

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 19 minutes, 43 seconds

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Published on 2025-01-12


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2-on-1 Splashdown - Daddy Texas vs. Damion Bear Zuko ﹠ Dr. Maniacal

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