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#144 Legacy Match; Curse of the Red Gloves

#pro wrestling #british #customs #halloween

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 33:55

A great example of a legacy match where Jesus playing a captured Jobber Boy super hero is picked apart by his Nemesis, The Butcher. Aim of the game, gain control over the accursed Red Gloves of Power, giving the ability to completely drain someone of their strength and give to the wearer.

Jobber Boy awakens, captured within the lair of a resting Butcher. Needing to reclaim his Red Gloves of Power, Jobber Boy quietly frees himself and creeps over to the vacant gloves before The Butcher awakens and drains what little power Jobber boy has left.

Donning the gloves, The Butcher takes his choice cuts of Jobber Boy's abs and bulge. The strain of the gloves mean they have to keep coming off and back on, giving Jobber Boy a chance to escape? Or does The Butcher feast tonight?

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Published on 2023-12-01

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2024-01-05 00:05

More ball squeezing

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#144 Legacy Match; Curse of the Red Gloves

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