WatchFightersChannels88WrestlingFightersChase Lundquistheight 5' 11"weight 180lbsChase LundquistA fighter of 88WrestlingThe Swimwear Model Featured videos 0:50 PREVIEW - Evan vs Chase - Bringing Out The Big Guns! 505 views 2 wk 23:34 Evan vs Chase - Bringing Out The Big Guns! $21.95 3 views 2 wk 0:45 PREVIEW - Drew vs Chase - Drew Who? 931 views 21 wk 27:32 Drew vs Chase - Drew Who? $21.95 0 views 21 wk 0:47 PREVIEW - Blake vs Chase - ABSolute Destruction 1439 views 35 wk 25:42 Blake vs Chase - ABSolute Destruction $21.95 14 views 37 wk